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This Mom Broke Down In Target, You'll Never Guess Why

This Mom Broke Down In Target, You'll Never Guess Why

How crazy beautiful would this would be if we all made sure we did ONE random act of kindness every day?

It could be holding the door for somebody with their hands full.

It could be writing a thank you note to your child's teacher.

It could be cutting the neighbors grass.

It could be cooking a meal for a friend that won't ask for help but you know is struggling.  

Random acts of kindness spread a spark of joy through everybody they touch.  

They spread kindness, hope, and love.

What a cool ripple to send across the world.

I recently read an awesome story from Serious Mom Shit about her going to Target alone. She finally got to leave the house solo for a shopping trip all mom dream of. Strolling through the isles of Target completely alone.  

Heavenly right?

She noticed a mom in the food court was struggling with her 3 kids.  

Many times, we see the struggle and think, we don't want to offend that person or maybe we're too busy.

We've all done that right?

I love her story, she ditched both of those excuses and decided to go help her out.  

Check out her story:

Rarely do I get to go out without my children.

When I do, it’s usually at night when my husband gets home.

But, there are times I get to leave the house without a single child to unbuckle.

In these moments, I’m so overjoyed that I find myself going turtle pace doing just about anything.

I often walk into target, my drug of choice, and order a coffee from Starbucks and walk real slow. I

’ll look at shit I don’t even need.

I’m not sure if I just walk around aimlessly because I’m always moving at such a fast pace with the kids or if I just enjoy the silence and freedom.

When I do go out alone, I notice the mommas around me.

Being a mom is innate. Leaving the house without children doesn’t mean you stop all your mom tendencies.

We are still out there at Target like, “what cute shit can I get for the kids?”

And “oh my gosh look at this toy, he would love it!” It also means that we notice other mommas too.

I was out at Target a few months ago buying a gift for a birthday party my children were attending the following weekend.

I noticed a momma who had a cart full of screaming children.

She was sitting in the food court area holding her infant while trying to prepare a bottle, her toddler was standing on the chair not listening to what she was saying, and she had an older child, probably 6 or 7 years old, on her phone watching videos.

The toddler kept yelling that he needed snacks and the infant was inconsolable.

I kept watching them at the food court from the dollar spot as I looked through the decor they had out.

I hate paying into people’s lives.

Some people get offended so easily and some people don’t like strangers approaching them.

I get it.

But, this mom was in pain.

She was struggling.

I walked up to the counter and bought a bag of popcorn and a juice and water.

I pulled a chair up to their table and asked if I could sit down.

She literally looked at me with such confusion.

I sat down and told her that I heard her children say they wanted a snack and it looked like she had her hands full.

I told her that I didn’t want to intrude and didn’t want to offend her, but I bought some snacks and was offering my services if she needed it.

That woman started crying endlessly.

She said her husband passed away a few months ago and all she needed from the store was diapers and formula but the kids had been acting cray all day.

She was from another state and recently moved because her husband got a new job.

She has no friends or family that live near her here and she’s been overwhelmed.

Want to know how the rest of my kid free shopping trip went?

I picked up her toddler after she fed her baby and we all walked to the toy section.

Her older child and toddler helped me pick out the perfect gift for the birthday party.

The momma got to pick out her diapers and her formula in peace while I kept the kiddos entertained.

I also made a new friend.

Every time I am kid free shopping, I look for a momma I can help.

I always find one.

There’s always someone who would love for a kind-hearted person to just show up and save them in their time of need.

I challenge you all to help a momma in need next time you are able to.

If you never get time away from your kiddos, a simple “hang in there, you’re doing great” as you pass by a momma can change her whole day.

Moms helping moms.

What a beautiful world we can create for our children.

Found on Serious Mom Shit

PS: Want to connect with a funny + supportive mom tribe? Join us here at The Best Mom Life

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